Smell the bad cover

At least they're joking.

Aren't they awe inspiring?

Oh yes lets just throw sublety and good taste to the breaking wind.

Tasteful by their standards

Tacky and whats it trying to say?

Equating women to dogs? Why she aint even ugly.

So what does this mean???

The Scorpions are perhaps the band who've taken bad taste to its limits. Their prurient cover of Virgin Killer is the unquestioned leader when it comes to choosing the ultimate bad cover. Wrong on so many levels. Apparently a record executive used his young daughter for the shoot. I wonder what she thinks about it now?

Here it is I warned you!

This is done with way more style. The young girl insisted on being the model even though her sister was first choice. She got a horse for her trouble. The fascinating story of the cover is here.


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