The champ of 'em all. Its rumoured that this record became an unlikely cult collectible. I believe there's still a copy in a Des Moines op shop going for the staggering sum of 50 cents. He did a follow up, Pimpin Dave Live from the alternative sex section of San Quentin Prison.
And they're not singing about god. The sexy undertaker look was popular that year.
Ken spent so much time in the local "cruising toilet" he had his record cover done there. Note to Ken, no close up next time.
OK Julie looks closer to 30 than 16 but this sooo wrong. She looks like a mouse caught in a trap she'll never escape from.
Ahh my favourite. "Mother! I want to......" (apologies Jim Morrison)
Err I think I do. You're a crummy dude who wears bad sunglasses and can't afford a proper record cover.
Who has the better hygene? My money's on the pig.
Complete insanity that's what!
This guy's an Elvis impersonator but is hampered by the fact he doesn't look or sound like Elvis.
Richard pulled out all stops on his cover production, fully utilising the huge budget of $3.50.
This cover is one of the worst examples of colour clashing so that the text is virtually unreadable which is a blessing I suppose.
Swamp Dogg shows why he's all class, low that is.
This record cover has caused me to become a vegetarian. Most throwuppy cover ever although Barfalong With Max comes close.
Max invites you to barfalong with him.
the record that bought much needed focus on lazy eye or "boss eyedness"