Hand in Frame

The cover designer spent so much money on the intricate fruit arrangement the cover had to be made in black and white.

So Rudy's missed the photo shoot, I know let's just put his picture on an easel, nobody will notice!


Harry was glad he'd worn his new wig, it was sure to impress the cardboard cut out lady.

(Thanks Yesterdays Gold blog)

Covered Wagoner

Why Ellie May what chew doin with Bob, I just came home early to tell ya that ah got fired today and the car's been repossessed. Cheez somedays yah just caint win.

Lets get serious - the worst of the worst

The champ of 'em all. Its rumoured that this record became an unlikely cult collectible. I believe there's still a copy in a Des Moines op shop going for the staggering sum of 50 cents. He did a follow up, Pimpin Dave Live from the alternative sex section of San Quentin Prison.

And they're not singing about god. The sexy undertaker look was popular that year.

Ken spent so much time in the local "cruising toilet" he had his record cover done there. Note to Ken, no close up next time.

OK Julie looks closer to 30 than 16 but this sooo wrong. She looks like a mouse caught in a trap she'll never escape from.

Ahh my favourite. "Mother! I want to......" (apologies Jim Morrison)

Err I think I do. You're a crummy dude who wears bad sunglasses and can't afford a proper record cover.

Who has the better hygene? My money's on the pig.

Complete insanity that's what!

This guy's an Elvis impersonator but is hampered by the fact he doesn't look or sound like Elvis.

Richard pulled out all stops on his cover production, fully utilising the huge budget of $3.50.

This cover is one of the worst examples of colour clashing so that the text is virtually unreadable which is a blessing I suppose.

Swamp Dogg shows why he's all class, low that is.

This record cover has caused me to become a vegetarian. Most throwuppy cover ever although Barfalong With Max comes close.

Max invites you to barfalong with him.

the record that bought much needed focus on lazy eye or "boss eyedness"

Who's a pretty boy then....

Big George was the drummer in Big Al's band until the accident.

Having supressed their urges for lo on these 20 years the brothers had finally discovered the love that has no name.

Hey Marty you can let go of my leg now!

Hey ugly you're not wearing underwear again.

Dog: get me out of here....

Dustin Hoffman reprises his Tootsie role. Don't you dig that interior design. Its as creepy as the family.

The band continued with four members after Big Al accidentally ate the drummer.

A balding and obese jazz man tries to get hip and fails miserably.

This must be a Christian record they're too ugly to be secular.

Ah this is better the family that kills together stays together. Why does god allow his followers to dress so appallingly? And what's with tweed, is it god's favourite fabric? The devil has a better tailor, black velvet, yes much better.

Smell the bad cover

At least they're joking.

Aren't they awe inspiring?

Oh yes lets just throw sublety and good taste to the breaking wind.

Tasteful by their standards

Tacky and whats it trying to say?

Equating women to dogs? Why she aint even ugly.

So what does this mean???

The Scorpions are perhaps the band who've taken bad taste to its limits. Their prurient cover of Virgin Killer is the unquestioned leader when it comes to choosing the ultimate bad cover. Wrong on so many levels. Apparently a record executive used his young daughter for the shoot. I wonder what she thinks about it now?

Here it is I warned you!

This is done with way more style. The young girl insisted on being the model even though her sister was first choice. She got a horse for her trouble. The fascinating story of the cover is here.

Millie shits herself and more class acts

Ah yes Millie push that sucker out! And the flowers should help.

Big O in drag?

Paul dismembers Yoko

You shoulda seen what they wanted to use (Smell the Glove - Spinal Tap)

Jerry was glad he had the colonic before the party.

Lets get started shall we - barf bags ready?

WTF is this about? A riot of mismatched colours and awful design. And the chick, is she carrying a bulge in her pants or what?

Thank god day glo jumpsuits went out of style. What the Village People wore when they went parachuting.

Why does god hit his followers with the ugly stick and then insist they wear matching tweed jackets made by the tailor from hell?

The Eight Balls, rehearsing for the big day not far away now.

And the follow up, two beds in the cancer ward.
