Oh my god kill that thing before it eats his head!
Soviet 80s had bad hair covers too!
Leonid Breznev undisputed winner of 1978 Russian Grammy for best selling album "Chairman Breznev recites the minutes of the 23rd Soviet Presidium"
Klut Zupisky winner of 1985 bad hair day award.
Listen dis is the plan we call you Prince of Silence and put nada on ze record, party faithful will buy many copies.
The band hated performing when the Minsk Gales swept down from the Urals.
Oh brother where do you start with this baby? Oh yes: Irving Klotsky unveiled his new rocket design but unfortunately due to cost overruns he hadn't gotten around to designing a cabin for the crew.
Spot had to stay in the band as he was the only one with a genuine 1969 Moog synthesiser.
Vladimir couldn't help thinking about the other contestants as he savoured winning the most obnoxious new wave hairstyle award for 1983.
Yah girl is ready for you now, only 23 rubles per hour.
Ve look like Bros and have new fangled tape recorder invented by Ivan Krupnik in 1951, we will win Eurovision.
See loads more here if you have the stomach for it.
See loads more here if you have the stomach for it.
Scariest Halloween Mask Ever?
Why waste a photo shoot dept
Here we have a series of album covers featuring a bunch of juvenile delinquent wannabees in various poses already out of date by the time the records were released in the late fifties.
The groups all seemed to be mostly rightly obscure doo wop groups having very little to do with the cover themes. This one is the only one I'd seen a few years ago and I was always curious to hear the music contained therein. Well now I have and its very ordinary doo wop but no info as to whether its a black group or white Italian boys.
The groups all seemed to be mostly rightly obscure doo wop groups having very little to do with the cover themes. This one is the only one I'd seen a few years ago and I was always curious to hear the music contained therein. Well now I have and its very ordinary doo wop but no info as to whether its a black group or white Italian boys.
The same bad boys with a girl!!! They don't seem too interested hmmm.
OK lets jazz this up by making the pic fuzzy and calling it Rumble - still the same old doo wop tho.
Here the boys play rock scissors paper to see who will audition for the leather man in the Village People.
Having failed in reasonable discussion the boys get rough in spite of the babe's pleadings. I bet on the guy with the bat.
Hand in Frame
The cover designer spent so much money on the intricate fruit arrangement the cover had to be made in black and white.
So Rudy's missed the photo shoot, I know let's just put his picture on an easel, nobody will notice!
Harry was glad he'd worn his new wig, it was sure to impress the cardboard cut out lady.
(Thanks Yesterdays Gold blog)
Harry was glad he'd worn his new wig, it was sure to impress the cardboard cut out lady.
(Thanks Yesterdays Gold blog)
Covered Wagoner
Lets get serious - the worst of the worst
The champ of 'em all. Its rumoured that this record became an unlikely cult collectible. I believe there's still a copy in a Des Moines op shop going for the staggering sum of 50 cents. He did a follow up, Pimpin Dave Live from the alternative sex section of San Quentin Prison.
And they're not singing about god. The sexy undertaker look was popular that year.
Ken spent so much time in the local "cruising toilet" he had his record cover done there. Note to Ken, no close up next time.
OK Julie looks closer to 30 than 16 but this sooo wrong. She looks like a mouse caught in a trap she'll never escape from.
Ahh my favourite. "Mother! I want to......" (apologies Jim Morrison)
Err I think I do. You're a crummy dude who wears bad sunglasses and can't afford a proper record cover.
Who has the better hygene? My money's on the pig.
Complete insanity that's what!
This guy's an Elvis impersonator but is hampered by the fact he doesn't look or sound like Elvis.
Richard pulled out all stops on his cover production, fully utilising the huge budget of $3.50.
This cover is one of the worst examples of colour clashing so that the text is virtually unreadable which is a blessing I suppose.
Swamp Dogg shows why he's all class, low that is.
This record cover has caused me to become a vegetarian. Most throwuppy cover ever although Barfalong With Max comes close.
Max invites you to barfalong with him.
the record that bought much needed focus on lazy eye or "boss eyedness"
Who's a pretty boy then....
Big George was the drummer in Big Al's band until the accident.
Having supressed their urges for lo on these 20 years the brothers had finally discovered the love that has no name.
Hey Marty you can let go of my leg now!
Hey ugly you're not wearing underwear again.
Dog: get me out of here....
Dustin Hoffman reprises his Tootsie role. Don't you dig that interior design. Its as creepy as the family.
The band continued with four members after Big Al accidentally ate the drummer.
A balding and obese jazz man tries to get hip and fails miserably.
This must be a Christian record they're too ugly to be secular.
Ah this is better the family that kills together stays together. Why does god allow his followers to dress so appallingly? And what's with tweed, is it god's favourite fabric? The devil has a better tailor, black velvet, yes much better.
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